Feeling Guilt When You Have Children and RA


Some days I am not the mom my heart guides me to be. Being part of the chronic illness community, I know I am not alone in the feeling of guilt that comes when your health takes priority over everything else in life. But when your child, no matter the age, needs you and you can’t provide, it is hard not to feel guilty.

Parents living with chronic illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis may often feel guilty. We worry about whether our diseases can be passed to our children, how our our lack of mobility might impact our parenting, our children’s disappointment when we have to back out of plans, and we worry about our children worrying. Whether you are living with rheumatoid arthritis or another chronic illness, this article from Cathy Kramer – a mom who has been there herself – offers some tips for handling guilt.

Feeling Guilt When You Have Children and RA



About Author

Proud mom of two young amazing adults and an aging border collie. Wife to a rock star! Educator to adults learning English and/or working on their high school equivalency exams. Strong believer in gratitude, finding positive in everyday life, and leaving a smile everywhere you go. RA Social Ambassador and patient contributor @RAHealthCentral.

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