AUCH.revista (translation: OUCH.magazine)


Not long ago I got an email from María González, editor and creator of AUCH.revista (translation: OUCH.magazine), a non-profit magazine for the Spanish community living with chronic illness. She told me that the next issue of her magazine would focus on Parenting & Motherhood, and asked if I would be interested in answering a few interview questions, which would then be translated to Spanish. Of course I agreed!

While I’ve known for a long time that there was a lack of chronic illness parenting resources (which is why I started Mamas Facing Forward in the first place!) I honestly hadn’t taken the time to think about the fact that there could be an even bigger gap in resources for people living with chronic illnesses who don’t speak English. I’m so grateful that María not only identified this need, but also acted to help solve it. I hope to find other ways to help support this community going forward as well.

I’m pleased to share the newest issue of AUCH.revista with you below! Please share it to anyone you think might find it useful!

AUCH.revista PARĒNS (interactive version)

AUCH.revista PARĒNS (PDF version)


About Author

Mariah is a writer, patient advocate, and mom of three living with rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. After learning firsthand how challenging and lonely it can be to face pregnancy and motherhood with chronic illness, Mariah became passionate about supporting women with chronic illness who are or want to become mothers. She launched Mamas Facing Forward in 2015 as a private Facebook support group, followed by this website in 2018.

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