ACR Convergence Today: Mothers with rheumatic diseases need more support from healthcare providers


Mamas Facing Forward founder, Mariah Leach, recently presented at the virtual American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting alongside researcher Courtney Wells and occupational therapist Cheryl Crow. This article has an overview of the important points made during the session:

Mothers with rheumatic diseases need more support from healthcare providers

ACR Convergence Today


About Author

While not meant to replace the advice and guidance of doctors on these topics, Mamas Facing Forward endeavors to be a “one stop shop” for moms and moms-to-be who are living with chronic illnesses and have questions or concerns about pregnancy and motherhood. We want to make existing resources easier to find and work towards creating additional resources where they are needed. We want moms with chronic illnesses to know they aren’t alone and that help is available.

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