Traveling With Refrigerated Medications


For many people, holiday plans include some kind of travel. In addition to the ordinary stress and chaos of travel, many of us with rheumatoid arthritis also need to figure out how to travel with medications that need to be refrigerated, like injectable biologic medications…Based on my personal experiences, I’d like to offer some tips for traveling with medications that need to be refrigerated.

Whether you live with rheumatoid arthritis or IBD or another chronic illness, many of us depend on medications that need to be refrigerated. Traveling with kids in tow is already challenging enough – here are some tips to make life easier if you need to bring your refrigerated medications along too!

Traveling With Refrigerated Medications


About Author

Mariah is a writer, patient advocate, and mom of three living with rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. After learning firsthand how challenging and lonely it can be to face pregnancy and motherhood with chronic illness, Mariah became passionate about supporting women with chronic illness who are or want to become mothers. She launched Mamas Facing Forward in 2015 as a private Facebook support group, followed by this website in 2018.

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